2022 Santa's Grotto
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December 2022, Worthing Lions on two of the December Saturdays before Christmas hosted Santa Claus and his grotto in the Clock Square Worthing.
Many hundreds of children visited Santa for no charge and received a bag of gifts from Santa's helpers. Worthing Lions thank our sponsors, Wimpy, Paladone, and Covermount Solutions Ltd who gave money and gifts that allowed Worthing Lions to provide the Santa gift bags.
This year Santa was accompanied by 2 elves, 2 reindeer and Mother Christmas.
The Worthing Lion was spotted in the square providing children with more wonder at this special time of year wearing a stunning blue waistcoat
Storm dancers provided a free present wrapping service and dance performances on the last Saturday before Christmas.
A big thank you to all those made a donation to the Worthing Lion's bucket collectors who also assisted Santa. These donations allow Worthing Lions to support local people and organisations.